Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i've been tooling around the internets...

and i have to say, i don't mind biden. in fact, at first glance - i like him.

check out some of these links and see for yourself...

Domestic Violence


Civil Rights

Also, from what i can tell, he is pro-choice and for stem cell research.

Realize, this is the first time I've looked into his politics and i have already found the other side's opinions, but i still think this can only help obama get to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave...

More to come... off to watch Hillary at the Convention.

best Olympic sport ever... version 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

say what you will...

but i fucking love this girl. and the video is hilarious too!

Gay music and video from NewNowNext.com

Friday, August 15, 2008

have i mentioned...

i absolutely love the Olympics? well, if i didn't - i do.
what else makes me cheer for beach volleyball? (yes - this is from 2004 but still...)

what other show has me on my feet the last 20 yards of the pool?

what else has me crying when someone wins all-around in gymnastics?

nothing. because in general, i don't watch them unless it's the Olympics.
all i can say is ... damn - this is a good time to watch some tv. dang vacation...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Eight out of 10 scatologists agree...

I'm not going to finish that sentence... Suffice it to say, the cuteness of sleeping on your head, peeking out at you from under a blanket and sleeping with your toys is clearly a defense mechanism. Gato is lucky it's working. So far. I think the thought bubble over Gaia's head says "what the hell is wrong with you - weirdo?!" Or it should.

Your days are numbered my friend... I think Gaia is plotting your demise...