Sunday, November 2, 2008

since we're on the subject of Swank...

i like to think my mind goes in many different directions, but sometimes i wonder... i've noticed a pattern in the last day; and that pattern is Hillary Swank. it started when i woke up this morning around 1:30am and decided The Reaping was the only thing on worth watching. (i didn't say my decisions have always been good.) After which, I turned on The Black Dahlia - I didn't even know Swank was in it so I was pleasantly surprised. Well, not too pleasant since I managed to fall back asleep by about 4am. i guess i don't care what happened to bobby dewitt...

this morning i figured laundry would be much more exciting interspersed with Iron Jawed Angels but came across Boys Don't Cry first. think what you want about transexual/transgender people (i personally am completely impressed with their ability to know who they are so acutely that they recognize that their assigned gender is the issue. i barely know who i am some days, much less understand who i am not.) but this movie is fantastic. and the amazing acting by miss hillary swank is undeniable.

so now, laundry's done. spaghettios are eaten. and hillary swank is once again gracing my screen as Alice Paul of the National Women's Party. she continues to amaze me. the fight continues to amaze me. and damn if i don't want to get out and vote today. and every day. because i can.

This scene gives me chills every time I see it.

so here's something, i think the last two movies need to combine in real life... the current fight for the rights of all individuals to marry needs to find their "Alice Paul". someone to go to the mattresses. someone strong enough to fight the good fight. and while we're on it - why is there so much hate in the world? you know what - i won't do it today. i'll get off the box before i start. happy sunday.

this post could have turned into 4 separate ones. 1. Hillary Swank is amazing. 2. Gender Identity and what it means. 3. Women's Vote. 4. Gay Rights or Human Rights. so maybe some other day, i'll do it. but for now, suffice it to say Hillary Swank movies make me think. (ok, maybe not The Next Karate Kid...) i think i'll throw in Freedom Writers once this is over. and then we're on to another subject...

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