Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Bitches...

Resolutions being what they are (usually useless sentences spoken or written only to be tossed aside as soon as I start feeling lazy...), I'm keeping tradition and posting them here. Last year's were a bit tongue in cheek, so to avoid the jokes I'm just going to put down the most serious one.

Number 1: Lose weight before going to Chile.

There you have it. New Year Resolutions 2009. I have 7 months and all the tools needed to get me there. I belong to a gym. I have workout dvds. A Wii Fit. I have books on how to be fit. And cookbooks to tell me how to eat healthy. I have people at work to give me tips and push me. There is no excuse. I can do it. And I will. I lost 30 lbs before going to Moscow. I can do better this time.

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Oh, and some side note resolutions: sign up for school, get my motorcycle license, find a better place to live, and sweep, mop, and dust more often. Good luck to me! And to all you other Resolution Makers!


Anonymous said...

So is the lil WiiFit icon getting bigger or smaller these days? hehe I'm with ya. Started back with JC last Sunday. We'll see how it goes. Good luck!


Linkydinks said...

always matter what. and on the off chance it goes smaller, it never makes quite the same deal about it. just says you lost some - no happy music with mii getting smaller. asses. the whole lot of 'em.