Saturday, December 8, 2007

so here it is...

the top how-ever-many-i-feel-like Christmas movies out there. and they're probably in no particular order. because i like to mix it up.

1. It's a Wonderful Life
(watch the link - angry bunnies are funny) - really, if a damn movie will make my hardened soul cry regardless of when in the year i watch it... it can't be bad.
2. The Muppets Christmas Carol - the Muppets rock. i don't care what you say.
3. The Year Without a Santa Claus - i suppose not technically a movie but those little egomaniacs Heat Miser and Snow Miser are funny.
4. Bad(der) Santa - drinking. lauren graham. enough said.
5. Miracle on 34th Street - when did i turn into such a sap? jesus.
6. Holiday Inn - this is so wrong it's funny. ("is yo' name miss mamie?") shut up. it's funny.
7. The Grinch - i prefer the cartoon and i generally dislike Jim Carey but this surprised me when i liked it. so it goes on the list. because i just might watch it tonight.
8. What's Cooking? - ok so it's a Thanksgiving movie really but it's my list isn't it? so i can put whatever i want on it right? right.

Obvious omissions include: A Charlie Brown Christmas - if i want to see depression during the holidays, i'll look in the mirror. A Christmas Story - who needs to watch this shite 24 hours in a row? oh that's right - my brother. lame. the chinese restaurant was funny though. i'll give them that. but just that. and i'll give it to you too.

(i reserve the right to add to this whenever i feel like. just so you know.)

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