Monday, March 31, 2008

some insight that many won't find insightful...

maybe it's the weather. maybe not. but here is something i know about myself. and i'm going to share it with you. wanna hear it - here it go...

i like people who get upset. i like people who get angry. i like when they fight (not physically and not in a dominating way). but in a productive way. and by that i mean getting your ideas and thoughts out - not being demeaning or hurtful to anyone.

and here's why. people who get angry or upset or yell actually give a shit. they have feelings that are important enough to them to take a stand against what is being said or being done. they don't just acquiesce. they don't kowtow. they believe. they trust. they show they're more than just existing in the world. they're playing an active role and getting involved.

i think this was one of my biggest issues in my last relationship. here you have this hyper-intelligent, hyper-opinionated person who would never argue. who would never fight. who'd walk out of the room rather than express herself. and it drove me fucking nuts.

believe in something. stand for something. let your thoughts be known. do not go gentle into that good night. leave kicking and screaming with the world knowing that you were somebody and you were here.

in my opinion, kandinsky = chaos. and actually makes my point. to me anyway. not everyone can follow my head.

or some shit like that...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

i mentioned the before...

Here is the after. And i took these photos today because i couldn't do anything about it yesterday. vodka is delicious. but it makes for a difficult clean-up the next day...

We don't discriminate at El Casa De Colleen. You want soda? great. vodka? even better. Private Stock ghetto beer? ... wait - how'd that get there?... hehe

Whiskey? i suppose. Mike's Hard Berry/Lemonade/Limeade? Terri drinking is one of my favorite things.

So, here's how it went down: We ate tacos. i made a mess cooking them, but they were still delicious. We played Clue - which sucked. not sure if the dvd was faulty or if it was just a dumb version of the game. maybe the classics should stay the classics - no dvd, no extra media format - just the board game. after that, we played some other stuff but i don't recall the order. but we did get the guy downstairs to bang on the ceiling at 9pm. 9? really? i know you're old but come on - it's a friday night. shut the fuck up. on the serious tho - the tv was pretty loud...

we played Harry Potter Scene It and Life. i think i won one of those. but i don't remember. i know i was a guy. and when i got married i got married to another guy. and we had twin girls. or two girls - maybe they weren't twins. who knows.

(one of the best things about having people over (well besides the good times) is that my fridge tends to have stuff in it for a while after... sure it's mostly drinks but still...)

Rest assured. i still have a little vodka left for the next time. when is the next time? i wanna do it again. :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

a little fun before the big fun...

so people are coming over. we're playing games. or watching the game. or doing something that has to do with games. or something that has game in the title. who knows. i'm hosting. and drinking. and i think i'll start in a few minutes. who cares if nobody's here yet. if not now, then when?

here's some funny shit to start the weekend. oh yea - only one more week until my shit job is done! yay me! that's enough happiness to take the cramps away. too much? too bad. suck it!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

do you know what's better than snow...

1. Getting a big sliver stuck under your fingernail - in that really sensitive part.
2. Sneezing so hard one of your eyeballs pops out of its socket.
3. Slipping on a banana peel and landing in a pile o' shit.
4. Realizing you only have Fleischman's Vodka in the house and that's what you make the drinks out of.
5. Learning that your friend's friend uses those live mouse traps where they get stuck on the tacky paper and just stand their until they die. (ok - i take this one back. this is just wrong.)
6. Eating food that's still breathing.
7. Touching a wet door handle in the bathroom.

i don't know. maybe i'm a little done with snow right now...

here is some fun for the whole family... i am so digging on cathy debuono right now. all your questions about Gloria and Laura Branigan - answered. wait - did you have any?


so i've come to a revelation. i really would have loved to live in say Canada or Alaska or anywhere actually - but as it stands right now, if i see one more fucking snowflake i swear to god i will throw myself off a bridge. i can't live anywhere that has this long of a winter. i cannot deal with this - i'm just too fragile. hehe - well maybe not but i'm done with it. that's it. winter can die. a lot.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

tivo who?...

i don't know of what you speak...

who needs a tv. just go here.

while trying to make the box...

On my lap move a little faster, I noticed that I have this movie-making program - wait, I'm sorry - muvee-making program. I've had this thing for well over 2 years. It's about time I took a look around...

This is Russia. I want to go somewhere again soon. Very soon. Or I will start attacking the cold. And I mean it. Dang it.

The quality is for shit on this. Not sure if it's the program that made it or the website that I uploaded it to... I suppose free is free...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

just because...

I sure do miss this little girl...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

quite possibly...

one of my favorite Alice/Tasha scenes. I love when Alice squeals like a little girl and says 'my soldier's home'. grrr... and one day i might add something meaningful and thought-provoking on this site again... but you never really can tell - now can you?

Alice & Tasha

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Monday, March 3, 2008

ohhh! pick me! pick me!

I like it too!

I've been searching my donkey off...

trying to find this clip since it was on SNL on saturday. (redundant? i think not.) I found it here and I lovingly borrowed it from her. A girl can dream...

And really - what's so wrong with giving a girl a hug with your legs anyway?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm willing to bet...

that if i had a kid, they would have this shirt... and they'd wear it. everyday.

Call me crazy...

I've never been much of a Tina Fey fan (maybe I never paid attention), but this right here is hilarious! Especially the shit about Kirstie Alley ("she knows we can see her - right?"). I also like trying to figure out the exact time edgrimly's head explodes while watching... really - it's all worth it to me.

side note: ellen page on snl tonight. dammit - i actually have to watch the show now...