Sunday, November 23, 2008

i am loving me some aragorn right now...

and i'm not even to the part (or movie) where he swings open the doors at helm's deep (i believe) after everyone thought he was dead. this bitch is bad ass. my aragorn doll (ahem - action figure) and i are watching part 1 right now. not sure there's even enough hours before i leave for work tomorrow to finish them all.

oh aragorn - why must i love you so?


edgrimly said...

Luke Skywalker would probably whip him.

Was there stuff in there that was not in the movies?

Linkydinks said...

That boy couldn't whip nobody. The King is where it's at. And I think it depends on what version you've seen. The extended versions have at least 30 extra minutes per movie. That's why I couldn't stay up to watch them back to back one day. At least not since we started at about 3pm. I nodded off before part 2 of the 3rd movie. rookie...