Tuesday, February 26, 2008

what's more ridiculous than live-blogging idol...

watching it after the fact and then pretending to live blog it i guess.

first guy up (Michael Johns) - singing Fleetwood Mac. i think he sucks. let's see what the judges think... (insert good hold music while we wait. definitely not this shite.)
Randy - started a little slow for him but he liked it doh. he worked it out.
Paula - liked it, thinks he's a seasoned performer and already there. and he's charismatic too.
Simon - said it was ok. weak choice of song. (Paula disagreed. big fucking surprise.)

this blows. i'm done. you want the rest? watch this crap yourself....

(but now i want one of those really thin macs. dang commercials get me sometimes)


breezy said...

I'm making my early prediction that the one guy takes the whole thing.

What? Not specific enough? Oh, okay...hmmmm. Since I didn't pay that close attention, I have no idea what his name is, but he was near the end or maybe even the last guy and he sang a Beatles song. That's the best I can do. But I say he's the next American Idol. (Do you feel the psychic vibes? Do ya do ya?)

Linkydinks said...

my money's on a girl winning. see - we're playing roulette. you picked a number. i picked a color. my odds are way better.

Anonymous said...

If last night was any indication, I'd say the guys have it made. I thought the girls were PU!

Okay, I only signed up yesterday and I already forgot my password, so now I guess I'm anonymous..hehe

Linkydinks said...

i'm sorry anonymous. the guys blew too. and not just the gay ones... he he ha ha ho...ummm. yea.

Anonymous said...
