Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Movie and a blog...

So I backpacked alone through Italy a few years back and while there I stayed in hostels. alone. and I never saw anything like I just saw on tv... Yes, people had sex. Yes, people were loaded. Yes, I shared drinks with lots of people from around the world. But never did anyone get their heels slit open. Maybe it's Mary Jane. But I don't think I can finish watching... someone will have to tell me what I missed. I was bored until this part. When the guy from Men in Trees gets caught and is getting drilled... I'm out.


edgrimly said...

Although I may have heard someone say this, it sounds a lot like Northern Exposure

Linkydinks said...

I don't get it... why send me to microsoft?

edgrimly said...

Curse you HTML!!!